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Important telephone numbers

Important telephone numbers

Ayuntamiento - Town Hall 902 442 250
Oficina Municipal de Turismo - Municipal Tourist Office 902 575 130
Oficina de Recaudacion - Revenue Office 950 399 702
628 143 582
Correos - Post Office 950 478 703
Biblioteca - Library 950 478 107

 Asistencia Medica - Medical Assistance:

Mojacar Pueblo - Village 950 451 601
Cita Previa Consultorio Playa 902 505 060
Hospital de Huercal-Overa 950 029 000
Cruz Roja - Red Cross 950 478 952
Urgencias Medicas 902 505 061
Urgencias Verinarias - Veterinary emergency 659 957 942
Policia Local Oficina - Local police office 950 472 000
24 Horas 600 472 000
Guardia Civil Garrucha - Civil Guard Garrucha 950 617 079
Guardia Civil Urgencias - Civil Guard Emergencies 950 617 062
Proteccion Civil 619 748 889
Radio Taxi 950 888 111
Urbanismo - Town planning 950 475 808
Tanatorio Mojacar - Mortuary 630 949 982
Funeraria Perez 950 748 102
Autobuses Nacionales:ALSA - Bus 902 422 242
902 995 267

Farmacias - Pharmacies: 

Juan Gea Garrucha 950 132 279
Fco. Salas:  
Pso.del Mediterraneo Mojacar Playa 950 615 080
950 615 069
Juan Jose Crespo. Pso. Mediterraneo 231 950 472 016
Eduardo Valero Gonzalez.Pso Mediterraneo 411, L-42  
Federico Torres (Turre) 950 479 012
Miguel Abellan:  
Pso Mediterraneo Parador Mojacar 950 475 282
Luisa Moldenhauer C/Mayor (Garrucha) 950 460 085
Eloisa Berruezo Pza de la Iglesia Mojacar Pueblo 950 478 029

People are always requesting useful numbers, and therefore please find below some recommendations in no particular order:


Electricians: English speaking

  • Cookie 637 974 662
  • Andy 677 741 366
  • Richard 603 567 676

All as good as each other and will recommend each other if they can’t get there themselves.


Plumbers: English speaking

  • Andy Mojácar 697 302 039
  • Smith’s plumbing: 950 468 041 / 687 814 388
  • Knowles 950 137 197 / 606 807 797

Home reform Kitchen Suppliers:

Maderas Viudez 950 619 010 Paraje La Ballabona, Antas. maderasviudez@maderasviudez.com www.maderasviudez.com English speaking, ask for Maria Dolores Carrillo: mdolores@maderasviudez.com


Pool Cleaners and maintenance:

  • Clare Reynolds 697 288 145
  • Jon and Phil Davies 634 343 541 / 634 891 709
  • Sundance Spas 950 47 28 45
  • Tanby Pool cleaning 950 475 235


Dean Tew 666 949 213


Toldos and blinds:

Lloyd of El Cid 667 652 888


A/C, Cable & Satellite Companies: Satellite, Air Conditioning & Heating, Solar hot water systems, Domestic, commercial, Air-conditioning & Heating systems, UK TV systems & IPTV

Taxi services:

RADIOTAXI Almería 950 226 161

Taxi - Vio (24hr) 617 689 178

Taxi - Miguel 610 850 076

Taxi - Gines family 627 468 468

Taxi - Nelu Mojácar 659 936 908

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