We don't work 9 to 5 - We work from Start to Finish


Educational Information for Children

Educational Information for Children

As many different factors need to be considered when relocating, the education side is very important. Here at VIP Almeria, our children have gone through the public system in both primary and secondary. We felt that the need for the Spanish integration was important. There are other options available for Non-Spanish speakers and here is a guide of suggestions and contacts:

ELC Mojácar

ELC Mojácar

Offers English curriculum and GCSE also Intensive Spanish course for children

Tel: 950 615 489


Academia Garrucha

Academia Garrucha

Can help with learning Spanish and also other subjects, Homework help.

*Carmen speaks very good English.

Garrucha Primary school (public with Bilingual program)

Carmen: 693 607 038

Garrucha Primary School

Garrucha Primary school

Public with Bilingual program

Colegio de Educación Infantil y Primaria Ex Mari Orta

Educación: Infantil, Primaria, Educación Especial

Centro Público

Tlf: 950 451 901

Actividades Extraescolares, Aula Matinal, Comedor

Centro Bilingüe Español Inglés

Camino Viejo de Mojácar s/n
4630 Garrucha,


Espanglish in Vera

They offer a homework club with additional support for expat children. They also offer Spanish lessons.

Tlf: +34 950 39 00 37
or: +34 950 39 28 76


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