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Bank Repossessions or Assisted sales

What Our Clients Say

Stephen --Honest guy great salesman what you see is what you get !!

Malcolm Mc Donald

A very professional and well run establishment. A huge selection of top quality properties. Excellent service.

Jessica Dee Simpson

Hello!  All I have to say about V.I.P Almeria is that every time I needed they help me find what I asked for... thank you Steve, you are great professional and a great persone. Gracias por ayudarme en cada consulta que te e hecho.

Ivan Beltransky

What can I say? There really aren't enough positive superlatives to describe the superb, fantastic service you and your team gave me in the selling of my property in Mojacar, recently. Throughout some hard years, Steven was always there to support me in a professional, but also a friendly and caring way. Extraordinary experience. I've bought and sold quite a few houses over my now many decades and I've never had anything approaching this degree of dedication and personal engagement - it was of a different order altogether. Fantastic, Steven and co.! I'm hugely indebted to you and just hope I get to see you all again before too long. Gracias, Jill.

Jill McKenna
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