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Selling your property in Spain is by no means an easy task.  The current market conditions probably make it more of a buyers market than a sellers market. Nevertheless, if you do get the buyer through the door, you really want to maximise your chances of selling, rather than leaving it to chance.

It is common knowledge that most buyers make up their mind whether or not they like a place within the first 30 seconds of entering.  Therefore it is essential that as a seller you captivate the buyers imagination as soon as they walk through the door. Many sellers fail to present their house in its best light, and as a result lose the buyer as soon as the buyer enters the property. The key is to play to all the buyers senses – vision, touch, taste, smell, and sound.  In winter, its amazing what the warmth of a lit fireplace and the smell of something baking in the oven can conjure up in the buyers mind. In summer, the taste of a cold beer or a glass of iced-water on the terrace overlooking the views and swimming pool can really help to sway a buyers decision.

Remember, as a seller, not only are you selling your house, but you are selling the type of lifestyle someone can enjoy by owning your house!

The Key Lessons

  1. Understand the costs involved in selling
  2. De-clutter, De-personalise and clean your property
  3. Ensure you show-off your property in its best light for viewing, open shutters, turn on bed side lamps.
  4. Price your property realistically and competitively over similar properties in your area. Ask your agent what has confirmed sold and how much.
  5. Ensure you have all the correct documentation in place to sell your property. Additional information is available in the Decree218 section in this website.

If you require any more information on the sales process and want some straight-forward advice contact us or review our videos below: 

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Before listing your home

Pricing Your Home to Sell

Getting the Right Offer

What Sellers Should Never Say, Let the Agent Disclose the Information

Please Don’t Highlight your Personal Circumstances to Buyers for Selling

More Viewings for a Faster Sale

(Pricing Strategies To Get You Sold)

Repairs That Help Sell your Home

(With Homes Sitting On The Market Longer, Do All You Can To Get It Sold)

Know your Buyers

(Some Research on Why Buyers Pick up and Move)

The Art of Selling Online

(Your Online Impact is Equal to Your Curb Appeal)

Is Your Home in Tip-Top Shape?

(Make It Fresh, Bright, Clean, And Sparkling)

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